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How Often Should I Change My Filters?

The average rule is to change your filters every 3 months.  However, this can vary upon the condition of your house and system.

Should I Cover My AC Or Heat Pump Over The Winter?

Heat Pumps and AC condensers are designed to handle extreme outside environments. You should never cover a Heat Pump in the winter, but if you decide you want to cover your AC condenser in the winter make sure the power is off the whole time.  If you start it up in the spring without removing the covering may damage the system.

Can We Work On A System With R22 Freon In It?

Yes we can!  Even though our industry has had to phase out this old freon, changing electrical components among other things can be done.

Should I Get A Whole House Humidifier?

During the winter months, your home can become quite dry.  Whole-house humidifiers work like old-fashioned room humidifiers: They put moisture into the air, making harsh, dry air easier to breathe. A major difference is that they improve the air in every room of your home—no more carrying a humidifier from room to room in the winter.  This is a popular humidifier.

Should You Get You Heat And Air System Checked Twice A Year?

Routine Maintenance is a great way to make sure your system is running efficiently and can have a longer life.  Depending on the conditions, I have told customers we need to only come out once a year, and some customers multiple times a year depending on the age of the system and location.  By our customers changing their filters regularly and having working CO detectors, this also decreases the amount of times we need to service their systems.

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